
Self Sufficiency Program (SSP)

Self Sufficiency Program (SSP)

What is SSP?

The Self-Sufficiency Program (SSP) is a voluntary program available to State-Aided Public Housing and Massachusetts Rental Voucher (MRVP) residents, who are 18 or older. During the contract period, participants work with the SSP Coordinator to establish personal, achievable goals. Examples of goals include: the pursuit of education, credit repair/credit establishment, obtaining childcare, securing transportation, preparing for homeownership, and increasing earned income. During the 3 year contract, the SSP Coordinator assists participants in progress toward their goals through referrals and connections to local service providers.

What is the Incentive?

As participants work toward their goals and increase their earnings, they will see an increase to their rent. The incentive to SSP is that an escrow/savings account is established. As a participant increases their earnings, a portion of their rent increase is deposited into an escrow/savings account. At the successful completion of the program, participants are able to utilize their savings however they see fit.

How to Successfully Complete the Program:

  1. Sign Contract of Participation / Enroll in the Program
  2. Establish Individual Training and Service Plan / Set Goals
  3. Meet with SSP Coordinator Regularly for Help in Achieving Goals
  4. Increase Earned Income and Deposit Portion of Rent Difference into Escrow/Savings Account
  5. Escrow Account Grows Each Month (from deposits and interest)
  6. Complete Financial Literacy Course
  7. Accomplish Agreed Upon Goals
  8. Maintain Employment for Minimum of 3 Months Prior to Program Completion
  9. Independent of Welfare Assistance for Minimum of 3 Months Prior to Program Completion
  10. Complete Contract and Receive Escrow Funds!


Name: Kiss Quick

Division: Resident Services

Designation: Resident Service Coordinator & SSP Coordinator

Phone: 978-996-2678

Fax: 978-253-4862

Email: [email protected]
